Few Words On that report...

  So the UN backed African Union Commission of Inquiry on South Sudan (AUCISS) released its report on the 27th of October and it made a...


So the UN backed African Union Commission of Inquiry on South Sudan (AUCISS) released its report on the 27th of October and it made an interesting read.

Besides the lopsidedness of it, inconsistent spelling of names and places and amateurish approach some of it is outright fictitious. Do not get me wrong it makes for a gruesome horror reading. Some of the stories are definitely true, some untrue and some exaggerated. The shameful thing on behalf of the authors is the emphasis they placed on crimes perpetrated by those seen sympathetic to the government while crimes committed by the rebels were mentioned in passing at the best.

Here are some other reactions to the report:

On twitter:

Mukesh Kapila@mukeshkapila
New depths with #SouthSudan Cannibalism? Even authors of 1948 #genocide convention didn't have imagination to include this in definition

Ayen Grace@ayen_grace
Great. Now the prevailing narrative is that we are peace hating cannibals. Thanks a lot, @BBCAfrica and the @AP.

On Facebook Daniella Valentino Wol wrote:

"First of all I would like to send out my deepest condolences and deepest apologies to the victims families, RIP to all killed in South Sudan.

2nd I would like Afnrica Unions who were involved in writing this reported to sign what they have written, I update my status with signing off with Love and Peace Dinka Chick or SS Chick so why is their signatures missing. Can they explain how can you shot someone dead and forced someone else to drink their blood /eat them and if Knife crimes took place in this senseless war?

3rd both Dinka and Nuer are very stubborn mined people who will take death any day instead of eating human being so again I need helps to understand this better.

4th How credible is AU?? I am going for walk taking break from reading this reported,,,,,,, Chick."

The full 315 page report can be found here: